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Digital Storytelling-The Newest Storytelling Method

The art of storytelling has been around for thousands of years, we have been telling our own stories and those passed down from others.

The art of storytelling has been around for thousands of years, we have been telling our own stories and those passed down from others.

Storytelling In The 21st Century

The way we narrate stories now in the digital world is very different – and a new expression has made its presence known, known as digital storytelling.

“Tell your tales; make them true. If they endure, so will you.”
—James Keller

A depiction of a human brainstorming various elements to craft an effective story in the 21st-century
How A 21st-century Storyteller Thinks | Image via Writing Cooperative

What Is Digital Storytelling?

Digital storytelling is a storytelling technique that involves the usage of digital media tools to tell stories. It is a combination of visuals, music, voiceover and other audio recordings, video clips, images, text, animation, and interactive elements that are all together to create a powerful narration. It creates a multimedia experience for engaging and educating audiences.

An Example For Digital Storytelling

In digital storytelling, the storyteller is allowed to control all aspects of the presentation—from the pacing and timing of the narrative to the visuals used—to create a captivating experience for the audience. It allows personal stories to be told from personal experience and a particular point of view that may be nuanced. This is what makes this digital narrative a powerful storytelling technique.

How To Make Your Very Own Digital Story

The storytelling process can be made very easy based on the 5 easy tips given in the video below:

All in all the digital narrative is an experience bolstered by images, videos, and sound. What’s most important is that the story should take the lead. Technology is the TOOL and not the focus.

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