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Marketing: A Bird's-Eye View

It is not simply about selling products and services; it's also about creating compelling narratives, meaningful connections, and personal value that makes them return for more. Information sharing and problem-solving could also link the consumer and the Marketer.

Marketing is the beating heart of any successful business.

“Strong brands are not built through shortcuts and copycats” Bernard Kelvin Clive

Some of the significant sections of Marketing

In the current age, the most prominent marketing sections would be Digital Marketing, Direct

Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Advertising, etc.

list of marketing campaign features

Search Engine Optimisation

tools and impacts of seo

The analytical side of marketing includes extensive research into the domain and the use of SEO tools to rank high in searches by curating and selecting the right keywords and phrases to catch on the consumer's attention in a world where time and awareness are the same bargaining chip for a booming business sector.

Let's take the example of Youtube Adsense.

girl marketing her shoe on youtube.

Let's take an example of Youtube's AdSense: it pays YouTubers based on how long they retain the watcher's attention and how many ads they can show their viewers. Marketers need to study the minds and behavioral patterns of the masses to provide specific practical value to the right segment.


This is where branding comes in; it's safe to say that Marketing now, in 2023, branding and personalization are the keys to creating a successful business. To connect with the customers personally, start an innovative approach by using unique tactics and visualizations and standing out from the crowd to get leads and opportunities.

Think Different

If we take Apple's example, their whole is "Think Differently." They don't focus on just selling their tech; they offer an ecosystem for efficient workflow reserved only for their devices.

Marketing enables companies not only to meet but also exceed client expectations

By utilizing cutting-edge technologies, creative strategies, and data-driven insights. Marketing is a potent weapon that assures brands captivate the interest and loyalty of their target consumers when attention is in short supply and options are numerous. It's time to embrace marketing's assertiveness, capitalize on its promise, and unleash its revolutionary force to influence the direction of the business.

Can you spot such marketing tactics used by big brands? Comment your views below.

Images via Freepik.


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