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What Sales Can Teach Us About Communication

A sale is a transaction between the buyer and the seller in which the seller sells intangible or tangible goods, assets, or services against a mutually agreed currency.

How The Barter System Has Evolved Over The Centuries

The earliest knowledge of bartering that historians have found dates back to 6000 BC. Introduced by Mesopotamia tribes, bartering was adopted by the Phoenicians.

The barter system with people exchanging clothing materials for food
What A Barter Economy Looked Like In The Medieval Times | Image via Sutori

For example, a farmer with fruits, vegetables, eggs, and milk can trade them to the local baker for a loaf of bread. The baker then uses the milk and eggs to bake more bread, which she gives to the cart owner as payment for his transportation services.

Today different payment methods such as cash, and Bitcoin are used.

The Sales Game Never Changes

Irrespective of the products or objects involved, the fundamental goal of a medieval salesperson who sold his vegetables was not very different from that of an investment banker.

If they made the sale to their prospective clients they would survive by gaining leverage.

Similarly, we are constantly showing people our capabilities in one capacity or another.

In other words, we are selling ourselves every day whether we like it or not.

Lesson Number Uno

A sale is not about the product.

It is about people and their emotions. Do you want to sell to someone? You have got to be considerate and calibrate accordingly.

Since life is about people and their (our) emotions, we have to be patient and put in a lot of effort.

Lesson Number Dos

“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.”

John Lennon

We are served with less-than-ideal situations in life when least expected and we have no choice but to show up. There are many iterations of the quote, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react is what matters”.

Selling teaches this beautifully by learning to enter the present moment and deal with any situation accordingly.

Lesson Number Tres

No matter what your career is, you have to be able to speak well and effectively communicate your ideas and thoughts. Whether it’s during a meeting, a presentation, or working on a project with your team, the ability to articulate your thoughts and put them into words is invaluable.

Even in the era of text messages, ‘Snaps, and ‘Grams, business is still primarily conducted over the phone.

Final Lesson

Sales is a _________ game.

You guessed it right, NUMBERS GAME!

This is the most IMPORTANT lesson!


The Wolf Of Wall Street will tell you that it is simply impersonal if someone rejects your product or application. What it means is for you to keep improving and trying simultaneously.

As the old saying goes:

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

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