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Why do I love this one particular brand more than all other coffee house brands?

Multiple coffee houses, multiple coffee outlets. If you like hanging out at these, I guess you know exactlly what I mean when I say that taste is not their USP!

But this coffee outlet is different. This is guessed it - Third Wave Coffee!

1. Make in India

They make for the Indian palate, they source their coffee beans locally and their food menu is suited to fit the Indian consumer. 

I have witnessed no other brand pay such close attention to the Indian consumer while competing in a category that is not rooted in Indian culture. 

McDonald's and Subway do it, but they are not Indian companies. 

They have filter coffee with jaggery in it! Jaggery is special to Indians. Chai Point & Chaayos sometimes include jaggery in their menus and stores, but they sell 'chai' that is meant to be a 'Desi' drink. 

2. Sustainability & Ethics:

"To us, it’s vital to source your coffee directly from farms, taking care to ensure that they are sustainably grown and ethically traded." 

"All our coffee is directly sourced from lush coffee farms nestled in the verdant foothills of Chikmagalur. We take pride in local produce and work with the best Indian growers who bring many years of experience with them."

This is taken directly from their website. The team at Third Wave Coffee have a HUGE focus on sustainability and ethical production and consumption. 

Thanks for this Ayush Bathwal Anirudh Sharma Sushant Goel. It's only the Founder's vision that can make this happen. 

3. Their staff

The staff is trained exceptionally. Each Third Wave outlet is, in itself, a whole new experience. It's more like the local cafe at the end of your street, where you are treated like you're special.

The comparison is, of course, with other coffee houses such as Starbucks, Barista, Costa, Cafe Coffee Day, and the like. Their staff is well trained too, may I say too well trained? May sometimes feel mechanical to speak to them!

This deserves to be a case study in social impact entrepreneurship

to cultivate a better understanding of sustainability in business, ethical sourcing, branding for local markets or being Glocal (Globally Local), maintaining quality in production (and much more)

PS: This is also an audition for Third Wave Coffee to make me their brand ambassador, high time 😅 

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